What are the different phases of a Maven Build Lifecycle?Maven interview question set 1/Maven Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What are the different phases of a Maven Build Lifecycle?

Following are the phases of Maven build lifecycle −

validate − validate the project and check if everything is correct and all necessary information is available.

compile − this phase compiles the source code of your project.

test − tests the compiled source code by using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests should not require the code to be packaged or deployed

package − takes the compiled code and packages it in its distributable format.

integration-test − processes and deploys the package if possible into an environment where integration tests can be run.

verify − runs any checks to verify the package is valid and meets the required quality criteria.

install − installation of the package into the local repository. This is done to use it as a dependency in other projects locally.

deploy − done in an integration environment or release environment. Here the final package is copied to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-02 04:50:38

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What are the phases of a Maven Build Life Cycle?

You mentioned the Maven repository. What do you mean by that? Are there any types of it?


What phases does a Clean Lifecycle consist of?

What would the command mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package do?

What is a goal in Maven terminology?

What are the different phases of a Maven Build Lifecycle?

What would the command mvn clean do?

What is the command to build your Maven site?

Name the 3 build lifecycle of Maven.

What is the Maven Build lifecycle?

Mention the steps for installing Maven on windows.

What is POM?

What are the different elements that Maven takes care of?

Maven advantages over Ant?

Why should one use Maven?

How many projects type available in Maven to choose from?

What is Maven?

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